How To Randonaut

COVID-19: Follow all state and local protocols for your area while Randonauting.
Never, ever trespass onto private property.
We. Are. SERIOUS. Get as close to the point as you are comfortable without trespassing onto private property. Never enter someone's backyard without permission. Never enter privately marked wooded or commercial areas. Trespassing onto private property is a direct violation of the user agreement for Randonautica. Owners and law enforcement will see the user as liable for trespassing or damages, not Randonautica. DO NOT TRESPASS.
Stay totally clear of dangerous areas.
Never go near train tracks, railways or restricted electrical/power zones. Additionally, old structures, houses and buildings should be avoided entirely. The structural integrity could be jeopardized due to deterioration.
Only adventure during the day.
The human mind is not trained for uncertainty and traveling to a totally randomized set of coordinates requires you to over-observe your surroundings and practice situational awareness. This is much easier to do while it is light outside. Randonauting at night is highly discouraged.
Leave the environment better off than when you arrived.
Since the very beginning of the Randonaut community we've always said, Bring A Trashbag! Not only will you help mother nature by picking up litter, sometimes the trash can have unique and meaningful information to you!
Always Randonaut with a charged phone.
Be smart and charge your phone or bring a car charger. GPS can drain your battery and you are very likely to be in an unfamiliar area.
Keep a positive mindset!
What you think, you observe! Negative intentions are HIGHLY discouraged. The Randonautica app was created to bring joy, peace and love to curious explorers all over the world.
Go on the journey with a friend or small group.
While Randonauting alone is entirely acceptable, beginners should start in a small group or with a friend. Uncertainty of where you are going (the randomness!) can cause a fear factor response and having a buddy helps!
Do not venture into areas outside your comfort zone.
Only make the trip to areas and places you are comfortable exploring. If you feel unsafe, do not leave your vehicle or retreat from the point. Randonautica does not know anything about the area you live in. Use common sense.
Always use common sense when it comes to your personal physical limitations.
Sometimes a point might be in an area that is inaccessible without climbing, hiking, etc. Know your limits. Always hydrate and do not overextend yourself.
Enjoy the whole journey, not just the point!
Get as close to the point as you are comfortable with but know the journey is sometimes the more meaningful experience!